Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Giving it All

It can be easy to think that your participation isn't significant. Every one of us can be trapped from time to time by feelings of inferiority when we compare our abilities or resources to others. Our call to be generous is no different; we can feel hesitant to participate in this effort because of our own perceived insignificance.

Interestingly, Jesus isn't impressed by the amount that anyone gives. He is impressed by giving inspired by sacrificial love. A story in Luke 21:1-4 illustrates this beautifully. Jesus is at the temple and watches some very rich worshippers make their offerings, followed by a widow who is only able to give 2 tiny copper coins; equivalent to less than a penny. Jesus is so proud of this woman that he makes her an eternal example of what the spirit of generosity looks like:

"I tell you the truth," he said, "this poor widow has put in more than all the others. All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on." Luke 21:3-4

Jesus makes it clear that it isn't WHAT you give, it is HOW you give. Jesus is interested in our hearts. This woman showed her heart belonged to her Heavenly Father by faithfully giving all she had. So what is God calling you to give? If you know God is calling you to give up something and you can't obey, then you no longer own that object. It owns you! So many people end up letting their possessions posses them. Don't fall into that trap. Recognize that everything you have comes from God and then faithfully release everything into his hands to use as he sees fit.

Be generous this week, and make generosity a part of your character.

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