Thursday, February 07, 2008

Does God Care About Our Sexuality?

We talked about this last week at Higher Calling. Here are a few more thoughts I wanted to add to that message:

About Homosexuality: When someone tells me that I must accept them because they are homosexual, I feel like I have lost the opportunity for a friendship. Here's why: I don't tell you that you must accept me because I am heterosexual! I don't say you have to accept me because I was born in Tulsa, OK. I don't tell you you have to accept me being a Cardinals fan (this is good for some of you...) Do you know why that is? Its because none of those things are the truest expression of who I am.

When you start identifying yourself by your sexuality then you stop being honest with yourself because we are not primarily sexual beings; there is much more to it than that. This is graphic, but if you were in a terrible accident and were castrated and lost your sexual drive, would you be less human? Of course not! The reason for this is simple: there is more to being human than our sexuality, and when we identify ourselves by our sexual orientation then we aren't being honest about who we really are at our core.

The Answer: Many people think the solution to sexuality immorality is marriage, but it isn't the case. If you are immoral as a single person then you will be immoral as a married person. Some people think the cure to homosexuality is heterosexuality. That is not true either! The only solution to our broken view of sexuality is a proper view of how relationships are important. We must relate correctly to God and who He is and who He created us to be, and that relationship will affect how we relate with each other. It is as simple as entering into a relationship with God and then allowing His power and presence to transform how we interact with everyone else.


Anonymous said...

This segment was awesome, I think christians have a difficult time relating to people who identify themselves as "homosexuals" b/c all we see is the sin, and not the person. We are not defined by our sexuality. I totally agree with what you said, and as always, thank you for putting it into the words that my brain sometimes can't relay to my mouth.

Anonymous said...

So are you saying it is a sin or isn't a sin? The wording is rather vague and doesn't really say, so I'm just curious.

Zac said...

I am saying it is a sin. The wording isn't that vague, I refer to immorality several times. That is definitely indicating my position.

Also keep in mind this post was a supplement to a Sunday sermon and therefore was trying to make a specific point rather than dealing with the issue as a whole.

Thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for clarifying. I'm really enjoying your blog. It's quite informative.

The original post was vague to me, so maybe I'm just dense or something.

Zac said...

You are certainly not dense, thanks for reading and commenting! I appreciate the input and feedback, and I will try to be more clear in the future.

Sometimes I write faster than my brain can think.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Pastor. Again, I'm really enjoying the opportunity to read this blog.